Introducing the WireGuard Client GUI in Netmaker v0.14.0

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May 17, 2022

Netmaker recently celebrated its first birthday, and the WireGuard management platform has certainly grow up fast. Yesterday, we released v0.14.0, which introduces the client GUI.

We realized that not everyone is a command line nerd like us. The GUI is especially meant for Windows and Mac users.

This pairs nicely with the other big change in 0.14.0, a package management system. We now have package installers for Linux and Mac (via brew), as well as traditional installers for Windows (MSI) and Mac (.pkg). Check out here for more details:

The netclient has matured, and this install process is much more in line with standard software.

Now don’t worry, if you hate GUI’s, you can still install the netclient without the GUI. This also cuts the binary size in half.

So, how do you use this new GUI?

When you first open it, you’ll have no networks, since you haven’t joined any yet.

You need to get a token to join a network. Either a network admin will give you one, or you will generate one yourself.

Click “+ Join New” on the GUI, paste in the token, and click “Submit”

You can now view information about your network, including peers.

The “Pull” command will pull the latest config. This should not be necessary, since the server pushes updates to your client automatically, but it can be helpful for troubleshooting.

You can also leave the network (using Leave), or, if you want to remove the netclient entirely from your system, you can run the Uninstall command.

And that’s about it! It’s a pretty simple GUI, but can be good for those who get command line anxiety. This, in combination with all the new package installers, makes the client much more friendly to traditional software users.

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